Address: 3077 Mátraverebély, -Szentkút 14.
Phone: +36 (20) 400-5878, +36 (32) 418-029

Other information:

According to the tradition Virgin Mary cured a dumb shepherd with the spring-water brought forth by King Saint László in the 1100s in Mátraverebély-Szentkút. The Papal See has known about this place since the 13th century. The shrine received the first bull from Pope Bonifac IX in 1400. In 1970 Pope Paul VI gave the church the title of Bazilika Minor. Plenary indulgence can be received there every day. The most important indulgence is the Feast of the Assumption. A schedule of the patronal festivals is published each year.

Opening hours during the season: A kegyhely szabadtéri része egész évben szabadon látogatható. A bazilika 6h - 18h

Térkép - Mátraverebély-Szentkút - Búcsújáró hely - 3077 Mátraverebély, -Szentkút 14.

Map - Mátraverebély-Szentkút - Búcsújáró hely - 3077 Mátraverebély, -Szentkút 14.

Karte - Mátraverebély-Szentkút - Búcsújáró hely - 3077 Mátraverebély, -Szentkút 14.

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Tuesday, 11. February 2025. - 23:17:05