Address: 6640 Csongrád, Csáki Gy. u. 1.
Phone: +36 (30) 405-1598, +36 (63) 471-468

Other information:

In our workshop we make porches, gables, ports, fences, wooden covers and other groups of objects, according to the traditions of folk architecture and furniture making of the 19th -,20th centuries. We also prepare - though in limited numbers, objects for presents and decoration and wooden toys that are for sale in the workshop. The traditional machines and tools are mainly from the first half of the last century. Visitors are allowed to try to work with them.

Térkép - Lekrinszki Mátyás népi iparművész - 6640 Csongrád, Csáki Gy. u. 1.

Map - Lekrinszki Mátyás népi iparművész - 6640 Csongrád, Csáki Gy. u. 1.

Karte - Lekrinszki Mátyás népi iparművész - 6640 Csongrád, Csáki Gy. u. 1.

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Aerial photos by Civertan Studio
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Thursday, 24. October 2024. - 02:29:34