Address: 8237 Tihany,
Phone: +36 (87) 555-291, +36 (87) 555-290 Fax: +36 (87) 555-261

Other information:

The trail draws attention to the special geological formations on the peninsula, but visitors can also become familiar with the botanical, zoological and landscape values along the trail. The total length of the walkway is 18 kilometres, including shorter and longer paths. The stations of the trail: Nyereg hill, Csúcs hill, Geyser field, Golden house, Small forest-peak, castle, Monks' caves. The special post-volcanic formations of the Tihany peninsula were awarded the European Diploma by the European Council on 1 July 2003. The study trail with Hungarian-English information boards can be visited freely, a professional guide is available on request. Tel.: 30/382-7243.

Opening hours during the season: I.01.-XII.31.

Térkép - Lóczy-gejzírösvény (Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság) - 8237 Tihany,

Map - Lóczy-gejzírösvény (Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság) - 8237 Tihany,

Karte - Lóczy-gejzírösvény (Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság) - 8237 Tihany,

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Saturday, 27. July 2024. - 02:05:36