in Jósvafő:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service - Business Travel

Village with 358 inhabitants in the karst region of Aggtelek, near the northern border of the country.

Jósvafő had a stone church without a tower as early as 1399, the walls of which form the western part of the present-day church. The church is surrounded by a fortified wall, its interior is decorated with a painted coffered ceiling. The gallery, the sounding board of the pulpit and the decoration of the pew fronts are also remarkable.

In the old part of the village you can find the house of regional traditions, the building of the parsonage where the forest school is based and the one-time middle water mill, in which an inn is to be opened after the complete restoration finishes.
In the main square of the village you can find the monument of heroes with the mythical eagle, the wooden headboards erected to commemorate the revolutions of 1848 and 1956 as well as the founding of the state, the millenium memorial park and the Baradla Gallery. In 1927-28 a horizontal shaft was drilled in Cave Baradla, in the cave section discovered as a continuation of the Giants’ hall. Next to the entrance of the cave the Tengerszem Hotel and Lake Tengerszem were established.
In Cave Béke discovered in 1952 an artificial shaft was drilled near Jósvafő in 1964, in the hall at the end-point of the cave with the aim of utilizing the medicinal effect of the air. Today a sanatorium for asthma patients is run here. Cave Imre Vass can also be found here.

The territory of the caves was declared a landscape protection area in 1978, and a national park in 1985. Most of the territory of Jósvafő was declared a listed monument in 1999.

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Hungary - Jósvafő

Ungarn - Jósvafő

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