in Kiskunmajsa:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

56-os Múzeum

Address: 6120 Kiskunmajsa, Maris-puszta 244.
P/F: +36 (77) 481-765


Opening hours during the season: I.01.-XII.31.: H:-Szo: 09-17h, V: 13-17h

Other information:

The first and ever since the only museum of '56 of Hungary was opened in March 1999. Its founder, Gergely Pongrátz, the legendary commader of the Corvin passage, has set up this museum, unaided, in memory of the heroes of 1956.
The museum is situated 4 km from the town, by the road to Szeged, in the former building of the public elementary school. The major part of the exhibited relics, documents and works of art were offered by his former comrades. Thanks to the War History Museum, the contemporary arsenal, such as "Molotov-coctail" and the T-55 tank, can be seen as well.
Over the way there is a chapel in memory of all victims of '56, the names of whom are writen on marble tablets. The chapel, designed by the Kossuth Prize winner arhitect György Csete, is the first holy place built in honor of the revolution and fight for freedom of 1956 and was inaugurated in the last weekend of June 2002, the day of the Hungarian Liberty.

56-os Múzeum - Kiskunmajsa (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

56-os Múzeum - Hungary - Kiskunmajsa (Sight: Museum)

56-os Múzeum - Ungarn - Kiskunmajsa (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Saturday, 25. January 2025. - 16:33:30