in Gánt:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service

Balás Jenő Bauxitbányászati Múzeum és Földtani Park

Address: 8082 Gánt, Bányatelep 1. -  map
Phone: +36 (22) 354-485, +36 (20) 989-3673


Discounts for children: 500 HUF

Discounts for students: 500 HUF

Discounts for pensioners: 500 HUF

Opening hours during the season: március 15 és november 15 között: 9:00 - 17:00

Opnening hours out of the season: egyéb időpontokban előzetes bejelentkezés alapján látogatható legalább 20 főtől

Entrance fee: 900 HUF

Other information:

The exhibition near the village of Gánt in the eastern foreground of the Vértes hills was built on the 50th anniversary of the bauxite mining of Gánt, which started in 1926. The exhibition on the edge of the open cut in the former Bagoly-hill is a branch of the Central Museum of Mining (Sopron, Templom u. 2.). The historical collection and the relics are presented in a mine shaft system built artificially and in the courtyard (mock-up of the mine, Scale: 1:1). In the courtyard you can see machines and vehicles of opencast bauxite mining, while in the mine shafts the history of bauxite mining in Hungary is presented on posters and the tools, machines, security systems, typical work stages of deepworking (underground) bauxite mining can be seen. Visitors can get a "real experience of walking in a mine". Your knowledge about mining can be completed with a walk in the study path of bauxite geology in the opencast mine nearby.

Balás Jenő Bauxitbányászati Múzeum és Földtani Park - Gánt (Látnivaló: Múzeum)

Balás Jenő Bauxitbányászati Múzeum és Földtani Park - Hungary - Gánt (Sight: Museum)

Balás Jenő Bauxitbányászati Múzeum és Földtani Park - Ungarn - Gánt (Sehenswürdigkeit: Museum)

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Aerial photos by Civertan Studio
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Saturday, 8. February 2025. - 11:12:56