in Csopak:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság



Address: 8229 Csopak, Kossuth u. 16.
Phone: +36 (87) 555-290, +36 (87) 555-291 Fax: +36 (87) 555-261


Other information:

The Balaton Uplands National Park, which is uniquely rich in natural beauties in Hungary, includes the marshland of Small Balaton, the monadnocks and the Lake Cave of the Tapolca Basin, the stone sea of the Káli Basin, the lakes and the geyser cones of the Tihany Peninsula, the dolomite blocks of the Keszthely hills and the Pécsely basin with its various botanical rarities. It was established in 1979 as the eighth national park of Hungary. It lies in a territory of 56,997 ha.
The National Park near Lake Balaton preserves outstanding geological, botanical, zoological, natural and cultural values. Several highly protected plant species are worth mentioning such as the hardy cloak fern and the birds' eye primrose which can be found only in middle Transdanubia in Hungary, or the rare Cambria tataria and the bear's ear. The region is rich in protected animal species such as the otter, some bat species, the bee-eater, the white stork, the white-tailed eagle and last but not least the heraldic bird of national nature protection, the great white egret. The Tihany Peninsula, famous for its unique geological formations and which was awarded the European Diploma, and the Small Balaton, the habitat for more than 200 water bird species offer opportunities for enjoying the beauties of nature. Our demonstration sites, study trails, professional guided tours, open tours, publications help visitors discover this magical world. Information on our services, accommodation, programmes is available at the Director's Office, where publications and souvenirs sold at our demonstration sites are available, too.
Ecotourism at Small Balaton.
A dventure tourism services.

Possibilities: Souvenirs

Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság - Csopak (Látnivaló: Nemzeti park)

Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság - Hungary - Csopak (Sight: National Park)

Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság - Ungarn - Csopak (Sehenswürdigkeit: Nationalpark)

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