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The northern shore of Lake Balaton is a paradise for bathers, while the historical wine regions of Badacsony and Somló hills offer pleasant recreation for the lovers of grapes and wines. In the Balaton Highlands the towns rich in historical monuments attract many visitors, but protected natural values can also be found in the region.

A lot of castles are hidden in the hills including the castle of Sümeg, which played an important role during the Mongol invasion, King Béla IV also stayed here.

The abbey of Tihany was founded by King Andrew I in 1055 according to the foundation document of the monastery, which is the oldest written record of the Hungarian language. The Romanesque undercroft can be seen in its original form, along with the founding king's sarcophagus.

In Várpalota, in the Gothic Újlaky castle you can see a unique exhibition: the only museum of chemistry in Central Europe.

The Saint George chapel was found in Veszprém. According to mediaeval records Prince Imre took a vow of chastity in the chapel. The other famous chapel of the town was named after Gisela, although the name is "only" a tribute to the first Hungarian queen, as it was built in the 13th century.

The Papensiana Collection of Pápa preserves the historical relics of the town, but you can see an Egyptian mummy here, as well. The Africa Museum of Balatonederics was established by Dr. Endre Nagy, the famous hunter of Africa. The exhibition halls present trophies and a collection of ethnography of Tanzania, while in the safari park next to the building you can see camels, buffalos and zebras.

In Badacsonytomaj you can find the József Egry Memorial Museum in the former house of the painter of Balaton, where you can see several of his paintings including Szent Kristóf a Balatonnál (Saint Cristopher at Lake Balaton) or Kilátás Fonyód felé (The view of Fonyód). In Balatonfüred, in the former Mór Jókai villa a memorial exhibition presents the personal belongings and relics of the writer and his wife, actress Róza Laborfalvy.

In Balatonudvari you can find heart-shaped tombstones: it is not known why they were given this shape. Near Szentbékálla you can see an attraction called Kőtenger (Stone sea), which is a wonderful group of spectacular rocks and the plants growing in the joints of the rocks. The famous Cave Lake of Tapolca is situated in the county, too.

The world-famous Porcelain Museum of Herend presents the history of the porcelain factory by introducing its products as well as old documents, photos, certificates and plaques. In the Porcelain manufacture visitors can even try to make porcelain themselves.

In Ajka the Crystal Museum awaits visitors presenting its products and the history of glass production.

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