in Balatonakali:   Hotel - Sight - Travel Service

Originally one-street village of 726 inhabitants between Balaton and the long-distance road running parallel with the shore. Roads to Dörgicse, Nagyvázsony and Veszprém from here. Balatonakali had been a village of villeins in church property, then at the time of the Turkish wars it served the border castle of Tihany. The village repopulated after 1720 was endowed by King Ferenc I to the Order of Piarists; it belonged to them till 1945. Ground of the village is stony, it is suitable only for viniculture and fruit-farming, local population earned the living from these activities. Two simple churches painted white are erected closely to each other in the centre of the village. The Roman Catholic church was built in 1789 while the Lutheran one in 1825, both in Baroque style. A few nice ancient houses registered as historic monuments in Kossuth street leading to the churches.

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Hungary - Balatonakali

Ungarn - Balatonakali

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