County Heves attracts visitors with a wide variety of sights including castles, mansions, monasteries and the buildings or ruins that have been preserved after the Turkish occupation. You can enjoy the beautiful view from the top of the Mátra and the Bükk hills, while in the south of the country you can find the protected puszta of Heves or Lake Tisza.

The ruins of the castle of Szarvaskő is situated on the top of a steep rock. In Noszvaj the De la Motte mansion built in the style of Louis XVI in France awaits visitors. In Szilvásvárad you can enjoy the beauties of untouched nature: the valley of Szalajka and the waterfall called Fátyol (Veil).

In Bélapátfalva you can find the only Cistercian abbey that has been preserved in Hungary, it was built in the Romanesque period. The elements of Romanesque and Gothic styles are mixed in the building: the gate with orders of arches is typical of Romanesque architecture, the rosette above it is a Gothic element. In the sacristy you can find nearly one thousand-year-old carved decorations, the remains of the former monastery.

According to the legend, the name of the famous wine of Eger called bikavér (bull's blood) originates from the Turkish times: the Turks besieging the castle of Eger thought that the Hungarians could fight so well because they drank bull's blood. Excellent red and white wines are grown in the historical wine region, in Szépasszonyvölgy, (the valley of beautiful women) near Eger you can taste delicious wine with a spicy smell in the cellars hollowed out in rhyolite tuff.

The downtown of Eger is a real baroque jewel-box. The castle of Eger is the most frequently visited monument of Hungary. The siege of the castle is depicted in the novel by Géza Gárdonyi called Egri csillagok (The stars of Eger). The Turkish relics of Eger include the bath and the Minaret, which is the highest Turkish monument of Hungary (40m) and it is situated the northernmost in Europe.

The neoclassical cathedral of Eger was built according to plans by József Hild. On the opposite side of the square you can see the líceum (secondary school for girls) built in baroque style with rococo decorations. Its library has a collection of codices (Budai Krónika, Turoczi Krónika), the manuscripts of the letters from Turkey written by Kelemen Mikes are also preserved here. The observatory in the 53m high tower is still working and it is open to the public.

In Felsőtárkány a lake was created based on the water coming from the spring Szikla. Lake Tisza is an artificial still water, too. It is deservedly called the "Balaton of the Great Hungarian Plain". The lake is a paradise for the lovers of water sports and fishing.

The thermal water breaking out from the deep in Egerszalók attracts many visitors. On the hillside a 120m2 limestone deposit was formed from the water flowing down, this white deposit in front of the pine trees dominates the hillside above the steaming thermal water.

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