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Mosonmagyaróvár lies 15 kms of the Austrian border beside the highway and railway line of Vienna-Budapest, by the confluence of the rivers Moson-Danube and Lajta. The town is bordered on West by Hanság, on East by Szigetköz.

Moson and Magyaróvár became united 1939, it has 31.000 inhabitants at present.

The site of the settlement was pointed out by economical and geographical circumstances. Even at the Roman times, it was a military post named Ad Flexum. After the Mongol invasion of Hungary the Óvár fortress was strengthened and then the importance of the civil setting beside the fortress increased, too. It obtained the municipal and staple right in 1354. At the days of Turkish rule the Turkish armies marching against Vienna ransacked the town several times, but later its importance decreased.

In 1818 Albert Casimir, the Duke of Saxon-Teschen, son in law of Mary-Theresa founded for agrarian higher education, its legal successor, the West Hungarian University with Agricultural Fakulty is to be found in the building of the castle up to this time.

A student of the institute was Nicolaus Lenau, the famous Austrian poet in 1822-23. The bust of the poet and relic-bank stand, keeping his memory, in the castle-yard. A memorial tablet marks Lenau’s living-house of those days, being surrounded by evocative Baroque buildings. In Deák Ferenc square in front of the Hapsburg archducal hall, Nepomuk St. John’s statue of Baroque style stands.

 The Cselley-mansion is a jewel-box in the town, in which works of XIX. century Hungarian painters and contemporary furniture found a home. In the building of the Hansági Museum are archeological, local history and ethnographical exhibitions to see.

The St. Gotthard parish-church obtained its Baroque character in the XVIII. century. Archduke Frederick Hapsburg and his wife, Isabel are buried here in the undercroft. The newest monument of the town is a sitting statue of Frederick Hapsburg.

The determining touristical attraction of the town is the thermalbath, its qualified mineral water is applied for curing locomotor disorders and chronic inflammations.

Pictures of Mosonmagyaróvár


Hungary - Mosonmagyaróvár

Ungarn - Mosonmagyaróvár

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