in Tata:   Hotel - Sight - Wellness, Spa - Travel Service - Business Travel

Zsigmond Királyi Pince

Address: 2890 Tata, Várudvar
Phone: +36 (34) 383-614


Class: 2nd class

Opening hours during the season: V.1-IX.30.: H:-Cs: 16-24h, P: 16-02h, Szo: 14-02h, V: 14-22h

Opnening hours out of the season: IX.30-V.01.: K:-Cs: 16-24h, P: 16-02h, Szo: 14-02h, V: 14-22h

Other information:

Zsigmond Királyi Pince - Tata (Szolgáltatás: Borászat, borozó)

Zsigmond Királyi Pince - Hungary - Tata (Travel Service: Wine Bar)

Zsigmond Királyi Pince - Ungarn - Tata (Reiseleistung: Weinstube)

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Saturday, 27. July 2024. - 02:12:23