in Soponya:   Hotel

Soponya is located on the catchment area of the Sárvíz, on the eastern part of West-Mezőföld, on the southwestern part of Fejér county The finds excavated in the village verifies the presence of man of the Bronze Age. The gold coins found in the local sand-pit are in the National Museum. Treasure seeking quickens people's fantasy even today. The Spectacle collection has been founded as a result of fanatic collection and accumulated archeological and other rarities. As the records of the visitors' book show it has gained an international reputation. Sights of Sopolya are the Zichy castle and chapel with a 47 hectare protected English park. The castle was planned by Mihály Pollack in 1807. Up to 1999 a children's home had been housed in the castle, since then it has been empty. The State Treasury Office is looking for investors who could utilize the buildings which are still in good state. Hunting tourism plays an important role in the village as this area between Sárvíz-Malom and Séd-Nádor is the best hunting field in Fejér county. The hunting lodge of Vadex Company has received guests for several decades. There is also a Game processing factory in Sopolya. A Fisherman's house can also be found in the village. It receives guests, too. There is also a Fishing Association. Outstanding event is the Wine competition in May. It is organized by the Association of wine growing communties and the Order of Wine Generals. Other outstanding event is the Sopolya Days in August. Sopolya is a member of the association of Sárvíz settlements. It also has international connections: with Kémer in Romania and Zwierzynec in Poland.

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Hungary - Soponya

Ungarn - Soponya

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