in Tök:   Hotel

The village of 1,300 inhabitants is situated 30 km from Budapest, on the edge of the Zsámbék basin. The beauty of the hilly Pannon landscape attracts many visitors here. The region is dominated by the 324 m Nyakas hill, the eastern foothills of the Gerecse. From its top there is a nice view of the whole basin and the Buda hills looming far away. The rubble of Nyakas hill was a frequently used building material, as it can be carved well. Most of the houses in the neighbouring villages were built from this stone, as well as some stone carvings of the building of the Parliament and that of the Great church of Debrecen. The tourist trail marked with yellow runs across ancient oak forests, planted fir forests and meadows. In rainy weather plenty of mushrooms grow here. The flowers that frequently grow here include the adonis in spring and meadow saffron in autumn. A typical plant of the hill sides is the blue-flowered Asian flex. On the rocks the stone crop and the dwarf iris grow. The wines of the Nyakas Cellar Winery have won several medals at international competitions. If you walk in the neighbourhood of Völgyút, Aligvárom or Patkó Inn, you can admire the 100-200 year-old press houses and you can taste the wines of the wine growers. You can visit the region by riding a horse as well, as the village is famous for its riding tourism, an outstanding place of which is the Patkó Inn offering horse shows, horse riding and riding in carriages. The settlement was formed at the foot of the hill, near springs abounding in water. In Rossztemplom track a 13th century single-nave church ruin shows that the region has been inhabited by Hungarians for a long time. A special feature of the church is that in the eastern and western walls it has two quadrant arched niches, which previuosly had two side altars. The church ruin was restored by the local council in the year of the Millenium. The present-day baroque form was given to the Calvinist church in the middle of the village in the second half of the 18th century, after its predecessor had been extended several times. The organ built together with the harmonium is a unique feature of the church. The beautifully restored two-storey building, a former inn called Plettler house above the one-storey houses of Kútvölgy is a protected monument. On the wall of the community centre opened in 1932 you can see a relief by Ferenc Medgyesi commemorating the soldiers of Tök who died heroically in World War I. Next to the entrance the portrait of Petőfi is a work by Miklós Borsos. In front of the building a monument of World War II by Miklós Melocco can be found.

Polgármesteri Hivatal, Tök
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Hungary - Tök

Ungarn - Tök

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